Thursday, May 9, 2019

Friendly Reptiles

I ran into this Desert Spiny Lizard out for a stroll with a young one following close behind.

The young one was quite friendly, running right up to my shoe to say hello.  Momma lizard was watching closely from a distance.  Hopefully, she explained that running up to people is not a good idea.

So, even the lizards have to teach their young how to survive in the wild.

By the way, all that yellow you are seeing are the petals of the palo verde tree blooms that have fallen to the ground.  They create a yellow blanket on the desert floor this time of year.


  1. What a surprise to see them in front of you so close. Great photos.

  2. Mother doing her job teaching the wee one!

  3. I don't like reptiles!!
    But I like these photos!

  4. Beautiful shots of a beautiful lizard! Funny how even lizards have to "parent" their young.

  5. Aren't they sweet Sharon, love the side-eye mum's giving you 😊
