Monday, May 27, 2019

A Peek Inside My Spice Cabinet

A few years ago, I discovered a company that specializes in spices...lots and lots of spices.  It's called Penzeys Spices and I've been shopping there ever since.  I believe they started out as a mail order business and opened stores after the success of that business.

I would say that 99% of the spices in my cabinet are from Penzeys.  I'm pretty much hooked on them.  


  1. They most certainly improve the flavour of food.

  2. I agree with Andy. I have a spice drawer full of them, too, and would not travel without a few in my suitcase. In addition I LOVE the owner's politics!

  3. You have a lot of spices, Sharon!

  4. I can see the appeal of them for you.

  5. Interesting! I don't know that brand at all.
