Sunday, April 14, 2019

The Return of Silly Goose

During the month of May last year, I posted about this goose that started hanging out in the parking lot of where I live.  As the weather got warmer, he finally left for the summer and now he's back.  At exactly the same time of year he was here before.

He just hangs out in the parking lot.  Most of the time he's all curled up in one of the parking spots.  Every now and then I hear him squawking rather loudly.  When I snapped these photos, he seemed to be admiring his reflection in that car's bumper.

One morning I saw him prancing across the top of the parking covers.  I asked our maintenance man if there was a nest somewhere near by and he said no, they've looked for one and can't find any.  No one really knows why he hangs out here.  As I said last year, less than one block away is a nice green golf course and a little lake where his friends hang out.  It's a mystery why he seems drawn to this place.

I have a new post today on Sharon's Sojourns.  I took a short drive to a ghost town.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. A strange place to be for a goose.

  3. He's more of an urban goose Sharon, not a golfing fan for sure 😉

  4. Funny! You can bet there's a reason he's more comfortable there, but I have no idea what it could be.

  5. I wonder if he was born there or somewhere nearby and returns to "home" each year?

  6. He has a fondness for the area. :)

  7. How odd! I would have thought they would be flying off somewhere to the north. All the ones that wintered here have left.
