Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Art Among the Plants

Last Saturday, Berridge Nurseries had an art show event at their nursery.  I love going there just to take photos of all the pretty flowers so when I heard about the art show, I thought it was a perfect opportunity.  The art show wasn't very large but there were some interesting things to see.

T P McKee creates these 3D kind of art pieces.  They are very unique and both interesting and clever.  His card describes them as creative originals.  This floral piece to the left seemed perfect for an art show in a garden.

Leigh Hill paints gourds and she does a fabulous job of it.  They were all beautifully done.

But, this one was my favorite.  The detail is amazing.


  1. I love your favorite one, Sharon!

  2. These are fascinating, particularly the last one.

  3. Beautiful pieces. My favorite is the same as yours, it's gorgeous!

  4. Gosh they are all very clever, I like your favourite too plus the round plant pot.

  5. That last one is my favorite too.

  6. I think I might have been tempted by the floral painting Sharon.. very tempted!
