Sunday, April 28, 2019

Arizona Falls

I hadn't stopped at Arizona Falls, the hydroelectric plant that is a city park, in several years so when I passed it the other day, I decided to make a visit.  It looks pretty much the same and it's still leveling the canal water and generating electricity just as before.

There are three waterfalls in all, the two in the top photo and this one in the center that splashes the water over boulders and pipes and gears.

The park sits right on the edge of the Arizona Canal, one of the major canals that run through the valley bringing irrigation water across the desert.  As far as I know, this is the only spot where there is a small electric generating plant.

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  I'm thinking about an upcoming weekend trip to Oregon wine country.


  1. The sound running water is always soothing and relaxing.

  2. You captured the waterfalls very good! I can hear the water falling.

  3. That was interesting Sharon and beautifully shown here.
    P.s. I think you would definitely find Margaret River wines over there Sharon, you should try one, they make award winning wine down there ✨

  4. A very creative combination -- hydroelectric power and a city park!

  5. It must sound incredible and quite mesmerizing. I always loved the sound of moving water. Excellent shots, Sharon.

  6. I remember the nice walk to that spot.
