Sunday, March 31, 2019

The Desert is Blooming

A few days ago I was on the lookout for desert wildflowers, now I'm starting to see cactus blooms.  The desert is starting to show its colors.  This pretty yellow bloom is on a Bishop's Cap cactus.  I included the photo to the left so you could see how it got its name.  It does look a bit like a Bishop's Cap, doesn't it?

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  A museum needs to look good, inside and out.


RedPat said...

It is always amazing to see cacti flowering. This one is a beauty, Sharon!

Catarina said...

The desert is blooming and Toronto is covered in snow... again!...

Andy said...

For such a harsh environment the desert does have a beautiful side.

William Kendall said...

Pretty blooms!

Bill said...

What a beautiful sight to see, I love when cacti blooms. We have a small cacti we just bought and it is blooming in our kitchen window.

Aimz said...

I absolutely love cacti and succulents, so unusual and unique.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

It does indeed Sharon. Love seeing your exotic cactus blooms 💛

Steve Reed said...

This is like an extra-large version of the cactus flower we recently had on our little windowsill specimen!