Thursday, March 7, 2019

Baby Race

This was a totally new half time event for an NBA game, A Baby Race!  That's right, babies racing each other for a prize.  Above you see the parents all lined up with the little ones.

And then they were off.  Well this little guy was off and running crawling.  He stopped to look back to see how close his competitors were.

It was no contest, the others hadn't even left the starting gate.  So off he went to the finish line and was pronounced the winner!

These two and two others never budged from the starting line.
As I said, it was a most unusual event but fun for all. 


biebkriebels said...

No competitiveness by the toddlers!

Karl said...

They are very cute !

Andy said...

Looks like a fun event for everyone!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Adorable! There's a future champion there 😉

William Kendall said...

Very cute!

RedPat said...

Sweet! It looks like they all got new outfits to wear, Sharon!

Bill said...

Very cute and a fun time for everyone.

Catalyst said...

Kind of like the Suns' season, eh? :^}

Aimz said...

Nice one babies!