Saturday, March 2, 2019

Social Club

A few months ago I was invited to a fund raising event at a place in downtown Phoenix called The McKinley Club.  I had never heard of it before and had never really noticed the building.  I'm not sure how I missed it because it certainly has a wonderful entrance.  I found this information about it's history.   Reading about the spunky woman who dared to settle herself alone in the wild west in the late 1800's put a smile on my face.


  1. Nice history, Mary was brave enough to live her life her own way without considering the conventions of those days.

  2. It is amazing that you missed seeing the entrance or hadn't heard of the club before, Sharon!

  3. There are lots of places in our own city we have not visited yet. It happens!

  4. Mary sounds like an interesting person. I like the looks of the door to the entrance, very nice.

  5. Minnie was quite a gal Sharon, gorgeous entry to the club, will we see more 😉

  6. Beautiful tile around that doorway!
