Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Random iPhone Images

It's time for another series of random photos I've taken that don't seem to fit in anywhere on their own.  Above is a gorgeous Rolls Royce Silver Cloud.  I parked next to it recently at Biltmore Fashion Park.  My car looked embarrassingly shabby next to this one.

To the left are the stairs inside the Scottsdale Museum of the West.  Once again, the symmetry caught my eye.

These decorative balloons were flying at my local grocery store recently.  There were animal balloons on one aisle and this police car and fire truck on another.

This last one is back at the Scottsdale Museum of the West again.  There is a sculpture courtyard in the center of the museum and one wall is made of metal with these holes at the top to let water run out whenever it rains.  The water makes these rusty patterns on the wall.  It's the hand of nature making art.


  1. Sharon you are right. By them self's the odds and ends would not fit in. As group they make for interesting viewing. Aren't you glad you did not delete them. ;-)

  2. I like them all, they are very nice photos. Never throw away one...:)

  3. I wonder if the rust patterns are intentional? Did the installers/creators of the wall expect them to appear and be so aesthetically pleasing?

    Every time I see or hear of a Silver Cloud I think of old movie stars -- the Silver Cloud was a popular car decades ago in Hollywood.

  4. I think any one of these would have made an interesting post, Sharon!

  5. I so agree with Pat, all excellent shots, gosh the iPhone is pretty good, I don't think I've taken any proper pics with my phone. Love the symmetry of the stairs, I took a similar shot just yesterday ✨

  6. I like random pictures!!!
    Keep them coming..
    : )

  7. Nice series, Sharon. I like them all too. At first I thought those were pencils I was looking at. Nature's art is my favorite, it looks like a painting.
