Saturday, March 16, 2019

Rain and Wind

We had lots of rain followed by lots of wind this last week.  It has finally settled down.  That rain will help the desert wildflowers bloom.  I need to see if I can find any.  The wind just left a lot of leaves, palm bark and debris tossed around on the streets.


  1. Nice shot. The sky looks like it's ready to give a real good soaking. ☂

  2. It seems to rain everywhere in the world! We are soaking here too...

  3. You caught wonderful light in this pic, Sharon!

  4. I don't know where my profile pic has disappeared to the last 2 days!

  5. The lighting in this picture is perfect. I feel as though I should recognize that art deco looking building in the middle, but I can't place it. But I like it.

  6. Wow, your sky looks like ours. We have more rain today and colder temps. Spring can't come soon enough. Nice light highlighting the buildings.

  7. The wind is ferocious up here and we had to have a handyman anchor our tree in the back yard to keep it from falling over. Is that the Luhrs Tower? Downtown has changed so much since I lived in Phoenix I can't tell where I am most of the time.

  8. Oh how lucky you are Sharon. It has been so incredibly humid here, we need a good storm to clear the air! Beautiful light in this shot ✨

  9. Here's hoping your wildflowers show up soon!
