Thursday, March 14, 2019

Learning to Swim & My Purchases

I wonder if all the construction at the Scottsdale Civic Center park has scared off the ducks.  We saw only one duck in the pond and she had only one little duckling.  Momma duck was keeping a very close eye on this little one while it paddled ferociously around the pond.

I also didn't want you to think I left the Arts Festival empty handed.  I did manage two great purchases.  A beautifully hand-woven shawl created by Cheryl Kabala and a very pretty leather handbag by Roche Leather.  I think I did okay!


  1. The ducks reminded me of how important a mother's love can be.

  2. What a sweet photo of the duckmother with her young one. I think you made indeed great purchases, love the scarf and the bag.

  3. Such a sweet duck family, Sharon! I like your purchases - great colors on the shawl!

  4. I love the duck picture! Maybe there are other little ones hiding somewhere.

  5. The first pic represents a very sweet moment.
    You did more than okay purchasing those two items. They are gorgeous!

  6. Ducks usually have a bunch of chicks. I wonder if the rest were hiding somewhere.

  7. I like the cute duck family photo, it's so loving.

  8. All colors are matching as if all had been planned ahead...

  9. Really sweet mum and baby duck shot 🐥 Love the colours in your new shawl, excellent choice in handbag too.. you will get lots of use from both I'm sure ✨

  10. I like the duck photos. And your purchases look like good ones, but I am a guy, what do I know?
