Wednesday, March 6, 2019

It Was a Good Game

After spending the day at the Indian Fair and Market last Saturday, I joined my friend Janet for a basketball game.  I haven't been able to attend one with her this season, so this was my first and it turned out to be a good one.  Phoenix Suns vs. the L.A. Lakers.  And guess what, the Phoenix Suns won that game.  That was totally unexpected.  We decided to have dinner in the club lounge before the game and this is the view from up there.

It was a typical NBA game with cheerleaders, a sold out crowd and of course free t-shirts being fired off into the stands.  I didn't get one.

Tomorrow I'll show you what the half time program was.  It was most unusual.


  1. This is so typical American, with the showgirls. Here the national sport is football. Every country has its own idols I think.

  2. Always nice feeling when the home team wins.

  3. I've never been to an NBA game but here always seems to be a lot of excitement involved off court and on!

  4. I know the cheerleaders turn up at football games here. I imagine the Raptors have them for basketball games, but you don't see them at hockey games.

  5. The second photo is a good "action shot"!

  6. I was never a fan of the basketball games in the Valley even after spending three years in a basketball-crazed state: Indiana. Though I do remember watching the Suns' triple overtime game against the Boston Celtics back in the day. But I don't think they had those scantily-clad cheerleaders back in the day. Perhaps I should reconsider.

  7. It's been decades since I went to a game. I grew up a Boston Celtic fan in the 60s when they were winners all the time. My daughter is a Portland Blazer fan.

  8. Looks exciting Sharon. Gosh the last time I went to a Wildcats game was when my son was really into basketball. Of all ball games I think basketball is the most fun to watch 😊
