Saturday, March 30, 2019

Desert Beauty, Inside & Out

This last house on the garden tour was my favorite.  We got to tour the inside of this home and it was spectacular.  It will take several days to show it all so I'm going to wait to start that tour until after the first of the month.  But, for now just enjoy the stark look of the home's entrance and marvel at the size of that ocotillo in front of the house.  It has the be the tallest one I've ever seen.


  1. This looks like a painting. Beautiful, Sharon!

  2. The outside makes me think that the inside is certainly very beautiful.

  3. What a gorgeous house, I love it. It looks grand.

  4. I really like the Ocotillo, that's a good sculptural plant.

  5. Such an intriguing entrance Sharon, it draws you to imagine what's behind!
