Saturday, March 23, 2019

Celebration of Fine Art

I almost forgot all about the annual Celebration of Fine Art in north Scottsdale this year.  This is the last weekend so I'm glad I remembered and headed out there.  As usual the art was spectacular and talking with the artists is always a special treat.  Here are three that I admired.  The top one is a sculpture capped with gorgeous feathers.  The artist is Doug Fountain.

I really liked these wooden vases each topped with something ornamental.  They are by Brian Sykes who came all the way from Charlotte North Carolina.

I wish this photo gave you a better idea of the scale of this piece by Carlos Page.  It's made of metal and could easily take up a whole back garden wall.  He had so many clever pieces to look at.

I'll show you a few more tomorrow.


  1. This looks like a very high quality show, Sharon!

  2. I'm very glad I don't have to pick a favourite Sharon. All three are fabulous. I do have a soft spot for the feathers though 😉

  3. I love them all! Looks like a wonderful place to spend the day.

  4. What beautiful art this all is. I love those wooden vases.

  5. Pretty Cool And All But The Two Sides to One Beauty Photo Is Spectacular - Well Done


  6. The top one kind of reminds me of a peacock or turkey. And the bottom one the spikey bits remind me of nz flax leaves. Neat sculptures though.

  7. I think I've seen that wooden vase guy's stuff before. An interesting selection of artists!
