Thursday, March 28, 2019

Bold Blue

The second house from the garden tour I mentioned yesterday was another older home with some wonderful bold touches.  I loved that sapphire blue wall at the entrance.

At the back of the home, the back garden was very large with different seating areas scattered all around the yard.  You can see a hint of that same blue in the center of this photo.

This is just one of the seating areas.  I'll show you a few more tomorrow.  That butterfly bench blends in so well with the desert surrounds, it almost becomes invisible.


  1. Amazing that in a desert so many plants can grow.

  2. Blue is one of my fav colours and this blue is fabulous! I have a feeling plants that do well there would be similar to plants that do well here.

  3. That bright blue was kind of unexpected! A nice splash of color.

  4. That blue really catches your attention.

  5. It's nice how natural that garden is. Probably good for the environment and for wildlife, I would think.
