Saturday, February 9, 2019

Wondrous Worlds

I went to the Phoenix Art Museum yesterday to see the recent exhibit called Wondrous World: Art & Islam Through Time & Place.  It features a vast collection of objects from the Newark Museum representing nearly every corner of the globe.

 I thought I'd show you my favorite pieces from the exhibit.  Above is just a scene I liked of two people watching the video that showed different mosques from all over the world.  They are sitting against the backdrop of those two colorful weavings.

To the left is a figure that was placed in a tomb.  It comes from China between the 8th and 11th centuries.  Isn't it exquisite?

This last piece is not as old as the one above.  This is a  textile made to commemorate the Festival National de la Jeunesse, a national youth festival in Agadez Niger.  It is from 1982.  It shows a figure wearing the blue turban and robe typical of the Tuareg culture.  The Tuareg are nomadic herders that graze animals in regions from Niger to Mali, Burkina Faso, Algeria, Libya and Mauritania.  In other words, they travel very long distances.

It really is a beautiful exhibit.


biebkriebels said...

Amazing to realize how old some pieces are and that we still are able to see them.

RedPat said...

Fabulous pics, Sharon! I love that horse figure!

Judy Ryer said...


William Kendall said...

The tapestries, or rugs, in that first shot, are amazing.

Steve Reed said...

I love all three of those weavings.

Thérèse said...

Exquisite pieces. I do like the touareg on the last piece of textile.

Bill said...

Beautiful and amazing to see. I love all of those weavings, they are so pretty.

Aimz said...

I actually really like islamic art, so many patterns and colours.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

The composition in first shot is perfect right down to the reflections in the highly polished floor of the gallery. The burial sculpture is indeed exquisite Sharon. This is my kind of exhibition ✨