Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Snow on the Mountains

I went to Julie and Dave's house last Saturday evening for dinner and I was there in time to see some snow on the surrounding mountains.  Right across from their house on Camelback Mountain, I could see a dusting of snow on the mountains of the Phoenix Mountain Preserve.

And, the mountains just slightly east of the top view.

And then, further east, the McDowell Mountains were covered in snow.  The sun has been shining steadily since then so I'm sure this is all gone by now.  It was fun to see from the high vantage of Julie and Dave's home.  


William Kendall said...


biebkriebels said...

That is a nice view.

Andy said...

That is surprising!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Is that an every year sight Sharon or quite unusual? Looks like the mountains have been dusted with icing sugar, gorgeous 😊

RedPat said...

These are beautiful pics, Sharon!

Catarina said...

Beautiful view from your friends' house.

Steve Reed said...

Beautiful shots, especially with the trees in silhouette.

Judy Ryer said...

Snow is a lot more fun to see when it's on the surrounding mountains instead of three feet of it up against your door.

Bill said...

Stunning views, Sharon. Your friends live in a lovely area.

Catalyst said...

Not a bad view.

Jack said...

I don't think of snow when I think of Phoenix, but what do I know?

Aimz said...

nice! they get a good view.