Sunday, February 10, 2019

Ultracontemporary Fashion

There was a second exhibit at the art museum that I wanted to see.  This one was all about fashion.  Ultracontemporary fashion that is.  Actually, I'd call it pretty far out.  However, this outfit by Gucci was pretty eye catching.  It is described as a whimsical garment of colorful wool felt with a trope l'oeil ruffle.

I'll show you some of the other pieces from this show in the future.

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  I'm visiting another Arizona mining town.


  1. It's an eye-catching outfit Sharon, I rather like it, I bet it would look fabulous on a tall slim gorgeous woman.. not a shorty like moi 😀

  2. You call it pretty fart out. lol typo?

  3. Well Mr. Gucci likes bright colours :)

  4. I think I'll pass on this one, Sharon!

  5. Not being a fashionista myself, as you may well know, I would not wear such an outfit. But I wouldn't mind seeing others wear it. I'll just stick to my bluejeans.

  6. The wearer would definitely be noticed. Far out indeed. :)

  7. I'm with your sister and the blue jeans. Must be something in the water up here! :D

  8. I DO like that outfit! At least it seems just practical enough to actually wear!
