Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Potpourri of Houses

Today I have some photos of houses that caught my eye for a variety of reasons.  I found this house (above) on the west side of town backing up to the Encanto Golf Course.  I hope it has some windows on the back side facing the golf course because it looks pretty black here.  That long, thin window has a metal shade screen over it making me wonder if the owners of this place are only here part time.

This house sits in the Camelback Mountain foothills and is taking advantage of a higher elevation with all that glass in front.  However, I did wonder about that large metal pole that seems to run through that room and press up against the glass.  What could that be?

This house in South Phoenix reminded me so much of houses I've seen in the midwest that were built many, many years ago.  Those houses used to have stables for animals on the ground floor and living quarters above.  The warmth of the animals helped to heat the living quarters above.  It makes me wonder if this was a similar arrangement at one time in its history.

This place caught my eye because of those window-style air conditioners on the second floor.  I don't see many air conditioners like that any longer.  When I was a little kid, we had several in our house in Illinois to cool down certain rooms when the summers got too warm.


  1. Funny to see all the different houses. Those window air conditioners I remember of Amwerican movies :)

  2. Nice photos Sharon. Phoenix certainly has a interesting variety of homes.

  3. Such different styles. The long metal pole in the 2nd pic is the ductwork for their air conditioning & heating - you can see the smaller vents along its side. I have the same industrial look ductwork in my place so it looks very familiar.

  4. That last one looks like a duplex. I see RedPat identified the tube as an A/C duct. I was going to guess a telescope!

  5. It's amazing to see the different styles. The first one looks so plain maybe because it is all concrete in the front. Interesting styles though, nice to see.

  6. Red Pat spoiled my fun, too. I was going to suggest it was the classic story of a guy building a sailboat inside his house and then having no way to get it out.

  7. Gosh this is a diverse style of architecture you have for us today Sharon. Thank goodness Pat identified the metal rod in 2nd pic, I had no idea! Yes we don't see many window air conditioners these days here either ✨
