Thursday, February 21, 2019

Another Optima Complex

I've shown you Optima apartments before here, and the Optima high-rise here.  Here is one I haven't shown before.  These are Optima condos that sit right on Scottsdale Road in Scottsdale.  They have that classic Optima looks of plants tumbling off of balconies.

This sculpture sits right on the street in front of the complex.  I tried to find an artist for it but with no luck.  It is a modern, abstract looking metal sculpture and I do like the bright colors.


  1. Wow! What a lovely place. I am impressed.

  2. They all suit that clear blue sky perfectly too...

  3. Those apartments looks wonderful. I like all the plants and trees around.

  4. Those condos look fabulous, Sharon! I like the sculpture too.

  5. I like the design very much Sharon, bet they are fab inside. Super modern sculpture too ✨

  6. That is one awesome complex. I love all the greenery and the sculpture is beautiful.

  7. That is quite a place. If I were a condo kind of guy, these would attract me.
