Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Neon, Sculptures and Vintage Attire

There is more to see than just cars at the Barrett Jackson auction event.  There are nearly 1,000 vendors under those tents selling all kinds of wares and services.  The neon sign vendor was showing off some great old signs that I'm sure aren't really old at all.

This sculpture artist was making some interesting sculptures from spare parts and pieces of metal.  I liked that lady in the upper right corner who appears to be falling with her blond hair flying above her.  Mr. Potato Head was not bad either.

One vendor had some vintage radios that looked very much like the one my grandfather had when I was just a little kid.

And this lovely lady was there at a stand that sold hot dogs and other snacks.  She was dressed perfectly to go with the 40's - 50's theme of this food stand.

I didn't expect to find a jungle inside the vendor's tent.  This place was selling all kinds of fake plants all made of metal.  I guess if you don't have a green thumb, this might be an option.


  1. The radios brought back sweet memories. Had one in the living room when I was a kid.

  2. Those radios were so big in the old days, but beautiful made to look at!

  3. Gosh you're not wrong Sharon, so much more to see than cars.. love the vintage radios and a metal cactus might be a unique feature in the garden 😊

  4. I can remember my grandfather having a radio similar to these ones! Times have sure changed!

  5. Oh I just love those old radios!

  6. Dave's dad would LOVE this event -- the old cars and neon signs and radios! I like the neon. It's interesting how anything neon automatically seems old.

  7. Those old radios brought back happy memories of The Lone Ranger and Ma Perkins and the sad day of the 1951 Dodgers-Giants game with that #$@#!&% rascal, Bobby Thompson.

    And the photo of the fake jungle looks perfect for SWMBO. We have long joked that she could even kill plastic flowers!

  8. My grandmother used to have one of those old radios. I used to love to listen to it and turn the dial. :)

  9. I like the metal plants. You wouldn't have to worry about trimming the palm tree if you had one of those. I've been trimming trees this week. Not fun.

  10. I am envious. This looks like a great place to wander with a camera.
