Thursday, January 17, 2019

Just One of Those Things....

....that catches my eye.
Chairs set up at the Phoenix Art Museum in an area that is used for events.  There was just something about the simple pattern of the chairs with that giant circle behind them that caught my eye.  I used that giant circle as a back-drop once before when this room was being set up for a wedding.

This time the room appears to be set up for a meeting or a lecture or perhaps a performance of some kind.  If you are a regular reader, you know that I do love to discover interesting patterns.  This is just another of those observations.


  1. For patterns I find photo #2 the best composition. That is is just my personal opinion.

  2. Two excellent compositions.. the big grey ball makes an eclectic backdrop for many an occasion I should think ✨

  3. I love the repeated circles on the floor. Very mysterious!

  4. Your second shot particularly appeals to me.

  5. I like these shots a lot. At first I thought it was a screen with a moon on it. Great captures, Sharon.

  6. Call me cynical but all I could think of was "Big Brother".

  7. Your first photo is such a perfect composition, Sharon. Bravo.
