Sunday, January 20, 2019

Elegant Homes

When I took that walk to photograph the tree from yesterday's post, I also snapped a few photos of the incredibly large homes that fill that street in what is known as the Biltmore Estates.  This yellow one is looking very stately.

Of course I like this Tudor style home.  Anything with a bit of Tudor styling is always appealing to me.  However, this one is a bit too large for me.  (Actually, it's a lot too large.)

I had to grab another photo of my favorite house on this street.  It's the one that makes me think of the Italian or French countryside every time I see it.  It's secluded behind trees that surround it but the gate was open when I passed so it gave me an opportunity to sneak a photo.

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  I'm visiting a place in the heart of Santa Fe.


  1. Impressive estates, must be nice to live in :)

  2. All fab but love the last one the most Sharon, who doesn't love a hint of Provence ✨

  3. Those homes would not be out of place over here

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Those homes are gorgeous and quite impressive. My favorite is the last one too.

  6. It is so wonderful to catch glimpses of places like this. I like the last one too!

  7. Clearly a very exclusive area! (Financially, anyway!)

  8. This is Phoenix? You could have fooled me.
