Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Design Revisited

Several years ago, I photographed this table and the artistic arrangement on top of it.  I revisited this quiet little corner at Scottsdale Fashion Square recently and found the same table but a new set of objects sitting on it.  This space is at the top of a staircase that I'm sure hardly anyone uses.  In fact, this area of the mall has been under construction after one store closed about two years ago.  So hardly anyone would venture this way.  Which do you like better, this arrangement or the one from 2015?


  1. I prefer this one, I think it is more artistic.

  2. Definitely the newer one. Love the vases and the driftwood.

  3. I prefer this one too, it's defintely more artistic.

  4. The one from 2015 is my favorite. It is plain, simple, and brings a sense of balance to the scene. The new one is cluttered and makes no sense. Of course, I could be wrong. That happened once a long time ago. Heh, heh!

  5. I think I like the earlier one better even though it is more spare.

  6. I think the last arrangement had a bit of a Japanese feel to it, this is more Arizona Sharon ✨
