Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Dancing in the New Year

I attended the Phoenix Symphony New Year's Eve Gala again this year and I danced in the new year.  Yes, I can still move around a dance floor.  Just not as often as I could 20 years ago.

The Symphony played beautiful music for an hour and then JJ's Band rocked in the new year with all the favorites.  It was a fabulous evening.

And then yesterday, I went to a friend's house for her annual New Year's Day tradition of black-eyed peas and greens.  Eating black-eyed peas on New Year's day is supposed to bring luck for the coming year and the greens are for money!  Two things we can all use!  😉


  1. While you were having fun I was sleeping. (-.-)Zzz...

  2. Every country has its own habits around New Year. Nice you managed to dance the year away!

  3. I did not know about those traditions.
    You ended and started the new year in style!!!
    : )

  4. It looks like you covered a lot of bases for the new year - fun, luck and money!

  5. I forgot to mention that is was colder in Phoenix on New Year's Eve than it was in Times Square in New York. It has been so cold (by desert standards)the last few days.

  6. A great ending for one year and a wonderful beginning to the new year. Sounds like a lot of fun!

  7. Yep, I was asleep by 9, I think, and never even looked at the t.v. Judy said she watched a few minutes of Times Square but got bored and turned it off well before the ball dropped.

  8. Sounds like a great New Year's Eve...and the New Year's tradition is interesting, too. Let me know how that works out of you... OK? ;)

  9. Excellent! Glad you had a fun NYE! I was recuperating from my transatlantic flight. :/
