Thursday, December 13, 2018

Music on the Side

Tuesday evening I joined two good friends for a casual dinner at Tarbell's Tavern.  (I featured Tarbell's Tavern here.)  We thought we would be having a quiet meal but, were surprised to find these two playing tunes.  We soon learned that they were both winemakers and they were in town to do a wine tasing at Tarbell's Wine Store next door to the restaurant.  On the left is Michael Jordon, a master Sommelier and owner of Olelo Winery and on the right is Fred Scherrer owner of Scherrer Winery.  These guys are not only good wine makers, they have some musical talent too.

After we sat down to eat we noticed a change of crew on the music front.  Chef Mark Tarbell (left) joined another musician to play a few tunes for us too.  He's not only a great chef and a great host of a local television show but, now I know he's a great musician too.

What started as a quiet dinner turned into a very fun evening.