Sunday, December 16, 2018

Handel's Messiah

On Friday night I went to see Handel's Messiah performed by the Phoenix Symphony and the Phoenix Symphony Chorus.  I bet I haven't seen it performed live for around 30 years!  It was a superb performance with amazing singers.  This performance took place in a church not far from where I live.  The symphony is doing several performances at different churches throughout the valley.  A church seems the perfect setting for the Messiah.

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  I'm visiting a gorgeous library.


  1. That must have been nice with the singers and orchestra to hear performing.

  2. I like church concerts. Very much.

  3. Excellent setting. It has been yeeara since I have seen it.

  4. The setting is perfect. The performance by the singers and orchestra must have been lovely to hear.

  5. It looks like such a small venue for a piece so big!
