Saturday, November 24, 2018

The Shelves Were Bare

I went to the grocery store early Friday morning and found the selves pretty bare.  Apparently no one was working Thanksgiving night to restock the shelves.  This is the place where all the flower bouquets are located and it is usually overflowing with gorgeous bouquets.

Then I walked over to the salad area and found those shelves empty too.  However this isn't because of Thanksgiving, this is because of the E. coli scare that is going on right now.  They've taken all romaine lettuce off the shelves everywhere.  There won't be any Cesar salad on the menus for a while.  Those few bags that are left are either spinach or cabbage.  Luckily, I wasn't shopping for lettuce anyway.  However it did take a trip to two more stores to complete my shopping list.


  1. The first thing that popped into my mind was the story of "Old Mother Hubbard". :-)

  2. Empty shelves, is that a good sign, or a bad sign?

  3. Not often you see empty shelves in a supermarket Sharon.. scary re the romain lettuce scare.

  4. It is certainly surprising to see the shelves so bare. I find if I shop late Sunday afternoons the shelves are a bit empty but nothing like you have shown, Sharon!

  5. I haven't looked at lettuce here to see if it's missing at present.

    I am reminded of a time when I was visiting my parents around the Christmas holidays in cottage country here, and there had been a snowstorm severe enough to really shut things down over a three day period. When we got into town to do grocery shopping, the trucks delivering to the stores hadn't gotten through, so the milk, eggs, and bread areas were quite bare.

  6. That must have been a surprise to see all the empty shelves.

  7. I saw that news about the romaine lettuce. I don't ever remember a time when it's ALL been taken off the shelves. I remember earlier recalls but they usually focused on specific batches or brands.
