Friday, September 7, 2018

The Mysterious Ambulance

I pass by this house almost every day and about the same time those "For Sale" signs showed up, so did that truck in the yard.  The truck caught my eye because from this angle it's painted just like one group of local ambulances.  I began to question this after seeing it in the exact same spot for around 6 weeks now.

It caught my eye because I had never seen one of these ambulances with the back painted like an American flag.  So, I was now puzzled by two things, why the fancy paint job and why is it just sitting here in the same spot and basically out of service.  I finally stopped to take a photo and that's when I noticed that window opening on the side.  It's not an ambulance after all, it's a food truck or some kind of vending truck.  I wonder if it's for sale along with the house!


  1. It is nice painted an i think you are right, it is a kind of food truck.

  2. It is colourful and eye-catching. Perhaps it was not a successful venture and it is now time to call it "quits!"--an everything-must-go sale.

  3. Maybe it's an ambulance that's been converted into a food truck?? (Which is kind of disturbing.)

  4. Nicely painted, and eye catching !

  5. What ever it is, it's sure eye catching.

  6. I wonder what type of food they serve, Sharon!

  7. Two for the price of one hey Sharon, maybe not 😊
