Sunday, September 2, 2018

Seeing Things Differently

I had cataract surgery last Thursday and I thought this array of brilliantly colorful flowers would be a good way to express my new vision.....and I've only had one eye done so far!  Colors are amazingly brighter and every place I go seems to be so brightly lit.  I'm still in the healing phase so there is still a little blurriness in the healing eye but I can already see a huge difference.  I'll get the other eye done on September 12th.  I'm pretty pleased with the results so far.

Happy Sunday!


  1. Oh great all went well and you have a better view now. I hear those stories here around too, it is probably the age we have now... :)

  2. It's the best thing ever Sharon. I had it done a few years ago, it's like having perfect vision all over again. Love your celebratory image here 🌸🌻🌼🌷🌺🌹

  3. A perfect pic to celebrate your new look at life, Sharon! ;-)

  4. Yay! Enjoy our colorful world, and heal quickly!

  5. I just removed another spammer comment from my blog. There seems to be a rash of them lately. This one said my site was "crispy to study". How nice.

  6. Glad the surgery was a great success. I had one eye done last year and it was great to see clearly again. Beautiful colours to see.

  7. Hey! Congratulations. My eyes were done more than a year ago. Hoping that you get a good job and come out with excellent vision.
