Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Change Location - Change Clientele

Around 5 years ago, I used to be a regular at a restaurant/wine bar called "Cheuvront's"  It was right on Central Avenue not far from where I used to live.  I knew the owner and most of the people who worked there so it was a fun place to go for dinner or a drink.  About 4 years ago, the owner got a contract with the City of Phoenix to open a spot at the airport so he closed his local restaurant and moved the business to the airport.  I've never been back.

With all my recent travels, I'm in and out of the airport often but I never stop here because it's usually early in the morning or late at night and I'm either in a hurry to get to my gate or in a hurry to get home.  Last Friday I had an appointment at the airport so I went early so I could wander around.  I snapped this photo of the bar which seems to be popular with some guests but there was no one there I knew so I didn't stop.

This place used to be a neighborhood place where everyone knew each other and met up with friends.  Now it's a travelers watering hole with customers who rarely return!  Somehow that seems a shame to me.


  1. I know the feeling. Sometimes change is hard to accept.

  2. Yes, nothing is forever nowadays, shops and restaurants, they all come and go...

  3. A feeling of "place" is hard to give up!! I think we all like the feeling of belonging, esp in our fast-paced world. I share your bit of sadness.

  4. That's a shame Sharon, there's no chance of an airport situation ever being as popular as a local restaurant with a good reputation just by the nature of it's location. I wonder if the owner has any regrets ✨

  5. That kind of move would end up taking the character out of the establishment.

  6. I wonder if he's making more money in the airport? Maybe he has lower costs or insurance or something. But yeah, it seems a shame that he can't build the same regular clientele in a place designed for transients.

  7. It looks nice, but think it's a shame too. I can't understand why anyone would prefer this location for their business.

  8. That's a shame. I enjoyed going there with you when it was on Central. So close to your place and it had such a nice atmosphere. The new place looks nice though but will never be the same I'm sure.

  9. What a shame! We have a local pub where everyone knows our names and we all greet each other - a bit like Cheers! I would really miss it if it closed and my friends wouldn't know where to find me on a Saturday night!

  10. Maybe it was a money decision, the opportunity to make more. The community lost something special that can't be replaced. It is sad, Sharon.
    I do like the looks of the new place though.

  11. I, too, thought of "Cheers". I had a place like that in Bismarck, North Dakota, many years ago . . right across the street from where I worked. They've since torn it down and put a bank and office building there.
