Saturday, August 4, 2018


I think all of my readers know how much I love chocolate so I decided I should tell you about tis great place in Newport Beach that I discovered a few years ago and return to every time I go to California.  It's called Minamoto Kitchoan and it is a Japanese sweets shop.  Japanese sweets are all called "wagashi" and the desserts they sell are all made from healthy ingredients most of which you wouldn't think of as dessert material.  But, they also make some chocolates all filled with fruit pastes and jellies.  Those pictured above are called "Confiture" and they are filled with a variety of fruit fillings.

The square ones are called "Chocolat de Fruits" and they were filled with different fruit pastes.  All of them are simply delicious.  I always treat myself to some when I'm visiting in the area and this time I managed to bring some home with me.


biebkriebels said...

I love chocolate too very much, those first ones look very special. I love the Belgium chocolates the most.

RedPat said...

They look so gorgeous, Sharon!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Gosh they look so different Sharon and so delicious.. bet they didn't last too long 😉

William Kendall said...

Very tempting!

Steve Reed said...

Beautiful chocolates! I have found Asian desserts (and this is a massive generalization, because obviously that encompasses a lot of different cultures) to be very hit and miss. They tend to be more savory and, as you said, have ingredients that we wouldn't normally associate with dessert. To my palate, sometimes good and sometimes not.

Bill said...

They look fabulous and I bet the are gone in no time. :)

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Wagashi... careful not to confuse with wasabi, right? Hey, thanks for the tip! Newport Beach isn't too far from me, so I'll check it out.

Aimz said...

oh yum, I love seeing different types of chocolates, I'm a huge chocolate fan here so I pretty much have some every day.

Jack said...

Mmmmmm. These look good. I don't eat chocolate regularly, but when I come across extra-special chocolates, I do get them.