Saturday, August 11, 2018

Grand Entrance

These three Paradise Valley homes have what I'd call "Grand Entrances".  Some might even call them a bit dramatic.

With entrances like these, you would anticipate that the inside is just as grand.

Having never been inside any of these, I can't say for sure.  


biebkriebels said...

Yes, there are high hopes for the inside with these entrances :)

Kate said...

More than JUST a bit dramatic!

RedPat said...

They could each pass as a hotel entrance! Grand indeed Sharon!

William Kendall said...

Cool architecture!

Judy Ryer said...

It sure gives you some expectations!

Bill said...

Now those entrances are quite impressive.

Aimz said...

The first two almost look mediterranean and the 2nd maybe a bit art deco?

PerthDailyPhoto said...

They certainly make a statement Sharon.. especially the last one!

Steve Reed said...

I like that last one! Very different.

Jack said...

They are all quite interesting. My tastes are pretty traditional, so I would go for the first one.