Thursday, August 23, 2018


I'm going to mix it up again with today's post and show you a random selection of photos out of my photo file.  The above shot was actually pretty recent.  When I was last at the Phoenix Art Museum, one of the galleries was all boxed up and ready to be shipped out.

This assortment of antique toys was sitting on the counter of a local sandwich shop.  I love that guy on the motorcycle with the sidecar there in front.

A throw pillow that caught my eye.  I'm the black sheep of course.

A very elaborate playground that I found in south Phoenix.  When I went to school all we had was a slide, a swing set and a rickety merry-go-round.


  1. I pick photo #2 as my favourite. It gives me flashbacks to my childhood.

  2. So I bag the VW van, nice selection of pics

  3. All of the pics are good on their own but I like that shelf of toys too!

  4. I imagine that gallery was holding a temporary exhibit that's finished up.

  5. Enjoyed them all Sharon.. I bet the kids really have fun in the playground in last shot!

  6. Nice selection of things to look at. I remember those slides. Best for me to stay off of them though, don't you think?

  7. What a nice selection of photos, Sharon. I'm amazed how futuristic the playground looks, it's so different from my childhood days.

  8. The top photo reminds me of the Indiana Jones movie where they box up the Ark of the Covenant and take it away... ;-)

  9. Variety is good and certainly very interesting. The playground definitely is very different from the places I enjoyed as a child.

  10. I love those antique toys in particular, though they're all great shots! The pillow is cute too.

  11. I like your collection of This and That. I am probably due for the same thing.
