Thursday, August 2, 2018

Do I Hear Bells?

Here is another post on the theme of music.  I thought I'd show you some of the many Cosanti bells that can be found at Paolo Soleri's Cosanti in Paradise Valley.  Soleri passed away in 2013 but his foundation and wind bells live on.  The sale of the bells helps to support his foundation and school of architecture.

The bells come in a variety of sizes from very small to very large.

They really are beautiful and have such wonderful tone.  I have one on  my balcony.


  1. A wonderful and varied styles of wind bells to see in one place. My wind bells have never been very loud or constant. Perhaps I should buy louder models?

  2. Wonderful collection of bells!

  3. They do look beautiful Sharon, I wouldn't be able to resist one either ✨

  4. What a fabulous collection of bells. Well made and beautiful.
