Monday, July 16, 2018


Another Frank Lloyd Wright feature that is found around the grounds of the Arizona Biltmore are the Sprites.  They were originally created by Wright for a project in Chicago and when that project was demolished around 1930, they were lost with it.  However, several of the sprites were found years later on a farm in Wisconsin. They were restored and passed through several hands until they finally made their way to Taliesin West, one of FLW's architectural schools.  Replicas were made of them and Taliesin donated several of the replicas to the Arizona Biltmore.

My original post is here.


  1. The Sprites have an interesting come back story. Glad to hear that someone took the time to track them down and restore them.

  2. Your photos are much better now! Glad they found the Sprites and restored them to this beautiful result.

  3. They are wonderful! It is fun seeing your old posts with the new ones, Sharon!

  4. Love this series of looking back at original posts Sharon. The Sprites are really unique, very happy that they have been safe and secure here for all these years ✨

  5. They're very modern, but fit the bill. I like them.

  6. Nice to see they are still there.

  7. The Sprites look fantastic, I like their story. Looking back at your old photos is very interesting and enjoyable.

  8. Ah, such an interesting history, and love the name, "Sprites." Seems fitting for them, doesn't it? Did I ever tell you that I used to have FLW on some of my flights (years ago!) from Madison, Wi to Chicago? A real grumpy old man, he was!~

  9. Interesting! I've never seen these before. But thank goodness they were found. FLW figurative sculptures like these can't be very common.
