Monday, July 30, 2018

David Bowie...agian

Today I have the remaining four panels of the tribute to David Bowie that I first posted about on July 2nd.  All of the panels were painted by Maggie Keane.  She did a fabulous job, don't you think?

These are all very recognizable poses from characters he has played or persona's he has created.  Such a wonderful talent.

This shot shows the entire wall.  It really is a wonderful tribute.

To see other Monday Murals, click here.


  1. Very nice murals, they all are so very lookalike as he was.

  2. Gosh she is super talented Sharon, the likeness through the ages is brilliant! I think the last single mural where he is a bit older is my favourite.. a wonderful tribute to an amazing artist gone too soon ✨

  3. Photographic precision in these murals. Very nice.

  4. "Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence". That was the first thing that popped into my mind.

  5. Wow! I had a giant version of the first one (Aladdin Sane) in my dorm room. A voice from the past.

  6. A beautiful tribute to Bowie and the artist is certainly very talented.
    Thanks for contributing Sharon.

  7. These are all fabulous, Sharon!

  8. They really ARE very good and immediately recognizable. (I'm not sure I would have known the third one, but that's because I'm not familiar with that Bowie "outfit"!)

  9. Very good! Not something you expect to see along a street. I like the last portrait of him the best.

  10. Wow, they are fabulous, she captured Bowie as we knew him.

  11. Brillant murals, had the pleasure of seeing him perform live though I admit did not like the concert that much he did not do his old stuff
