Thursday, June 14, 2018

Outdoor Dining is on Hold

Our summer temperatures have arrived which means outdoor dining will have to wait until fall.  When the temperatures climb to the 110 degree mark (43c), it's too hot to dine outside even if the misters are going.  


  1. Wow! That is HOT! Enjoy the great indoors. ☀

  2. Outdoor dining is very popular here too. In winter we even have heaters hanging above the terraces, but only for drinkers and smokers, not dinners.

  3. The chairs would probably burn your skin off if you sat in them. But on the positive side, your food wouldn't get cold.

  4. I can't imagine being in that temperature. I don't think I would be able to go out all summer! ;-)

  5. Which is a shame, because absent the temperature, that looks like a really appealing patio!

  6. Agreed, unless perhaps an early breakfast or a late diner. I love the clean, dry desert heat up into the 90's. Beyond that it gets uncomfortable.

  7. My post today makes a similar comment. It's too damn hot here to eat outside or do anything else outside. I really feel for those who have to spend their lives working outdoor jobs in overheated states like ours.

  8. Gosh that is hot Sharon! I remember when we first arrived in Perth we regularly had such high temps in summer but recently we rarely get over 40C , I'm not complaining 😉

  9. Especially when sitting on metal chairs!

  10. 98 F and very humid here tomorrow. I'm wondering if I can get a shot of heat waves coming off the pavement.
