Sunday, May 6, 2018

The Question Mark

We had a bit of a reprieve from the heat last week when a cool front moved in and we were rewarded with temperatures in the 70's.  I took the opportunity to visit the Desert Botanical Garden in the late afternoon for a change and I visited the butterfly pavilion one last time before it closes next week.  I found a new butterfly to admire, the Question Mark butterfly.  When I first spotted it sitting on that slice of orange, I thought it was a dead leaf.  It looks so drab.

One of the docents saw me looking at it and told me that when it opens its wings, it's a gorgeous butterfly.  I found one in the distance sitting on a lavender flower and saw that she was right.  The bottom of its wings hides the beauty on the top side.

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  I have the second part to my trip to Sunnylands.  What a fabulous place!


  1. Unfortunately, while I love butterflies, I have a hard time telling one type from another. The Botanical Garden offers so much for a photographer. I'd be spending a lot of time there, also. And I'm glad you got a respite from the heat. We're holding in the low 90s for our highs in the days ahead. That's too much too early!

  2. That's a brilliant camouflage Sharon.. isn't it wonderful to have a cooler day now and then ☺

  3. It is pretty. I've never heard of that type before.

  4. That is a great disguise to have when you just want to rest for a while! Flash the good looks when you feel like it! ;-)

  5. Those are beautiful. I only see monarch butterflies here. And some white. Totally white.

  6. and I thought it was a dead leaf. Super disguise that butterfly has.

  7. Beautiful butterflies, the top one looks like a leaf.

  8. It is an easy butterfly to overlook, isn't it?
