Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Sky Train

The Phoenix Sky Train has been in operation for about 3 years but it seems that every time I go to the airport, I forget to snap a photo of it.  I corrected that last Friday.  I was off on another weekend trip and this time I remembered to take a photo.  There is now a connection from our light rail to the airport but, I took this at the economy parking lot station.  The completion of this train and station makes parking at the economy lot so much easier.

Once you get to the airport, this colorful bridge leads directly into the airport.  Tomorrow I'll show you where I flew off to.


Lowell said...

I'm confused. Which is my usual state these days. But where's the "train?" Airports these days are so convoluted that I get lost easily. :)

RedPat said...

It all looks very slick! Another trip!!

Steve Reed said...

It's a great space! Very decorative. I'm always slightly paranoid about pulling out my camera in an airport. I'm afraid the TSA will swoop down on me!

biebkriebels said...

I ilke that corridor, beautiful!

Silver in AZ said...

really nice, and good to know!

Bill said...

That's a pretty impressive colourful wall, I like it.

Aimz said...

Quite an impressive interior! Can't wait to see the rest.

Andy said...

The art work is very pleasing to the eyes.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Makes for lovely reflections also Sharon ✨

William Kendall said...

Very colourful walls!

Jack said...

I like both images. I admit to photographing in airports myself.