Sunday, May 13, 2018

Silly Goose

This silly goose has taken to hanging out in the parking lot of my complex.  I took this photo last Wednesday from the car window as I rolled by.  I asked what he was doing there but got no answer, just that blank stare.

I took this photo a few days before the one above.  I'm not sure what he finds so interesting about the parking lot.  After all, there is a lake and a nice green golf course just a block away where all his buddies tend to stay.  Maybe someone who lives here has been feeding him when they are out walking and he's followed them home.

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  Fine art in the California Desert is the subject.


biebkriebels said...

They are strange birds, the one I saw in Amsterdam was in the middle of a crowded city. In our surroundings here are many of them together on grass fields. We never had them before a few years ago when they came from Africa and are eating the fields of the farmers.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

I like the way it's looking at you as if wondering what are YOU doing there ☺ Every year we get two ducks that take a fancy to our pool, even though there is a park with a lake a stone's throw away, really odd 😀

Steve Reed said...

Funny! Maybe he finds trash or crumbs in the parking lot? Is there a dumpster nearby?

Andy said...

Canada Geese mate for life. I am guessing his mate is sitting on a nest near by. If you go exploring look on the ground for the nest.

Lowell said...

Canadian Geese are quite taciturn. Like their Canadian human counterparts, they speak little but carry a big stick or beak, I think. Some of them might even attack without warning if you try to get too close. So be careful! :)

Bill said...

That's funny. He's probably wondering why you are there. :)

RedPat said...

I think Andy is probably right and there is a partner goose sitting on a nest nearby! They can be very protective!

Aimz said...

i hope he doesn't walk out in front of cars, we have Pukeko birds here which are quite stupid and don't care where they walk.

William Kendall said...

They do tend to stick near to water or grassy areas, but not all the time.