Thursday, May 24, 2018


I was walking along the top floor of Scottsdale Fashion Square mall when I spotted the seating arrangement on the floor below.  It struck me as a perfect configuration and shape.  From the floor below, it just looks like a place to sit.  From up above it takes on an artistic look.  I like it.


  1. The left chair needs a little move to the left then it perfect symmetrical...
    Well seen from above.

  2. Thing is did you go and take your coffee there and sit down to drink it

  3. I like it too Sharon.. haven't they matched up the cushions and rug perfectly colour wise! Things look so different from above ☺

  4. Looks nice but the rug isn't centered. Things like that kind of bug me....but then most things bug me so, never mind.
    Nice shot though!

  5. We all must have a bit of OCD. The table needs to be centered for me! ;-) I like the setting a lot though, Sharon!

  6. They do this in our mall, too. I hate that configuration. I don't' want to sit in front of someone staring me in the face! I usually pull a chair out and turn in the other way! Heh, heh! Nice shot, though, Sharon!

  7. I have to wonder how many people sat in these chairs.

  8. The colours and fabrics also work together, giving it an artistic look,
