Friday, May 4, 2018

Blue Glow Agave

I love it when I find a perfectly shaped agave that I can photograph and it's even better when the background is a neutral color.  It might look like I used some type of artistic filter on this shot but, I didn't.  The blue glow agave naturally have that watercolor-look to them.

I liked this photo so much that I had it blown up and printed on canvas and it now hangs in my bedroom.


  1. That is an amazing image Sharon. It really does look like you have had a play with it ☺ Bet it looks fab framed on the wall.

  2. Definitely frame-worthy, Sharon! Nice one!

  3. You did the right thing. The colors are interesting. I immediately assumed you had done some Photoshopping and was surprised to hear this what the plant looked like. It's a nice, peaceful picture which will do well in a bedroom!

  4. Love it! It DOES look like a watercolor.

  5. Super shot Sharon, it's a beauty. Must look awesome framed.

  6. This is beautiful. I really thought it was a painting when I first viewed it!

  7. This is a photograph? Amazing. You rock!
