Saturday, April 14, 2018

Saturday Odds and Ends

Saturday seems like a good day to post a few more odds and end shots from my files.  Above is a pretty lamp I saw hanging against a wall surrounding a house.

This one is taken from my balcony looking at a neighbor's balcony that is overflowing with plants.  What a petty sight!

A friend and I had dinner last week at a great little pizza place called Craft 64.  We ordered the caprese salad and I loved the way it was served like a whole tomato sliced with the fresh mozzarella inserted between the slices.  It was every bit as delicious as it looks.

Here's a silly shot I took with my cell phone at dinner with friends last week.  One of those spot lights that businesses use to light a room was shining right over the top of the pepper shaker and creating those dots of light inside the shaker.  Sometimes I just can't stop myself from snapping a shot.

This last one is also a phone shot so it's not the best.  All I had with me when I spotted the full moon over Camelback Mountain was my cell phone.

Just another set of observations along the way!


  1. I like your "hotspot"of photos. The caprese salad I love very much. We often eat it at home.

  2. Beautiful lamp and flowers, a delicious dinner and a fantastic moon.
    Have a nice weekeend
    Maria de
    Divagar Sobre Tudo um Pouco

  3. Well, I for one enjoy these kinds of photos very much. Each one could stand alone, too. The lamp, I think is my favorite because of the colors and the design and the lovely warm light.

  4. I like your Odds & Ends posts, Sharon! Any of these pics could have stood on their own.

  5. Hello from North Idaho and came over from Biebkkriebels. Never heard of a caprese salad so I need to google it and see about it.
    If you fine the time stop in for a cup of coffee.

  6. This is the beauty of the cellphone camera -- it's always handy!
