Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Orchid Show

I read about an orchid show that was going to happen last weekend and I thought I might get some good photos so I stopped by.  Wow, did that ever turn into a challenge.  The show was in a big green house building that was dark inside.  Add to that, the air conditioning wasn't working so they had fans blowing all around which of course made all the flowers move with the breeze.  I took some 60 photos and only about 10 survived the editing process.  The orchid above was my favorite.  I just love the unusual look of it.

The small ones above were very pretty as were the pink, prize-winning one to the left.

These enormous blooms surprised me.  I don't think I've seen any big ones like this before.  Of course the flowers came in all sizes from these that were about 4 to 5 inches across to teeny-tiny ones, smaller than my pinky finger tip.  The crowd there was interesting too.  There were some real die-hard enthusiasts among the viewers.


  1. Lovely photos Sharon. Taking a lot of photos and only have a few good shots is something that happens to all of us... it also happens to the pros. So get out there and just keep on click.

  2. I'd say you did a bang-up job under unusual circumstances. Gorgeous flora. The few professional photographers who have written books that I have read make it a practice to take a ton of photos and the ruthlessly cull out all but the best. So, you are in good company. Be proud!

  3. These are spectacular, Sharon! And your pics are great!

  4. Well, at least you got photos of the ones that counted! That first one is VERY unusual, at least to me.

  5. You did good! Orchids are the most unusual looking flowers and come in all shapes and sizes. You have shown a good selection of them.

  6. Beautiful photos! You met the challenge and got some great shots, well done, Sharon.

  7. Beautiful orchids. I see lots of them at the Naples Botanical Garden. Wonderful, aren't they?
