Wednesday, April 4, 2018

House #3 on the Garden Tour

The third home on that Desert Botanical Garden's private garden tour is an architectural gem in Paradise Valley. The striking concrete block building materials reminded me of some of Frank Lloyd Wright's designs.

The garden was redesigned in 2012 with a very natural desert landscape by designer Brian Kissinger. Brian was there on the grounds and it was a pleasure to meet him and hear about the different plants and design obstacles he encountered.  I admired this gorgeous saguaro in the center of the yard.

In the background of this photo, you see a building with a deck on top.  This section of the house was recently added as a studio for the owner's art work.

In the  photo above we see the artist at work in his studio with that wonderful desert view in front of him.  The artist and owner of the home is Chad Little and to the left is one of his wonderful paintings.

Mr. Little paints a lot from vintage photographs and I enjoyed seeing the paintings in his gallery.  They had a certain nostalgic feel to them.  If you would like to see more of his work click here.  You also see more peeks into his studio.


  1. What a wonderful house and surroundings. Lucky guy to live there. I like his artworks.

  2. I like this place a lot, Sharon! And I like his artwork!

  3. I love the landscape that is in keeping with the desert. I would guess that the block home helps keep the inside cooler.

  4. I can see some Wright influences there. It fits well into its surroundings.

  5. This house makes me salivate with desire for a residence like this. Wonderful architecture and desert view~

  6. What a chance to work in such a place in front of such a view!

  7. A delightful post and a delightful commentary. Thanks for sharing many beautiful places in the Phoenix area. I, too, love that saguaro cactus!

  8. To be surrounded by all that beauty is incredible. It must be nice to be able to create his work in this environment. I love this place a lot, thanks for sharing it. You must really enjoy being there in person to view this house and its landscape.

  9. That house does have an air of Wright in its design.
