Thursday, April 12, 2018

Air Bee & Bee

Just outside the butterfly pavilion at the Desert Botanical Garden is a series of "bug houses" for us to admire before we enter the pavilion.

This one is called the Buzz Inn, an air bee & bee.

The use of pesticides to control the "bad" bugs has killed more than it originally intended and the bugs that keep our ecosystem healthy have been suffering.  Many gardens around the world have taken to making safe havens for the bugs that are so important to our plant life.

So just like those little "free libraries" that are popping up everywhere, don't be surprised if you start seeing these attractive little bug "hotels" around town too.


  1. Interesting. Nice to see that people care.

  2. You know I have one in my garden and the bees use it

  3. I've never seen such things before but they are wonderful and hope they're coming to our town soon! From what I've read, bees are threatened and we can't survive without them.

  4. I've seen a few of these around but I'm never sure if they are being used and I don't investigate too closely in case they are. Love the signs on these ones, Sharon!

  5. I've never seen one but it does seem like a good idea. We have some bees around here but I have no idea where the hive is. Wasps are always making nests on our front deck though and I don't like that.

  6. One of the hotels here has one on their grounds.

  7. Spectacular, I had never seen it.
    Great shots.
    Maria de
    Divagar Sobre Tudo um Pouco

  8. Pretty neat. The one we have at home does not work too well. But the rest of the garden fulfils luckily its role.
    Wonderful pictures.
