Wednesday, March 21, 2018

White Squirrels

These are the kind of squirrels that won't tear up your garden.  This pair of giant, white squirrels have adorned the front of the Jonathan Adler store for quite a long time now.  The store is one of those places where you enjoy looking around but, probably won't buy anything.  At least, that's the way I see it.  They sell home furnishings that are decidedly eclectic.

However, I do love seeing those big white squirrels.


  1. Impressive welcome committee.

  2. I like the squirrels but haven't been a fan of the store either, Sharon!

  3. It’s always fun to browse eclectic stores! The squirrels are unique greeters but very cool!

  4. I like these a lot; very modern and sleek and would help modify the squirrels' shoddy reputation of digging and thieving and making a mess.

  5. When I saw that photo, I thought, "That looks like something Jonathan Adler would come up with." And then I read your description! LOL! I like Adler's design style but I've never bought a single thing from him.

  6. The biggest squirrels I've seen.

  7. I like these big squirrels. Very clean and modern lines.

  8. Those are some very big squirrels. They should commission an artist to be creative and paint them. They sure would look better than white.

  9. The squirrels are as classy as the furnishings in the store.

  10. Wouldn't they look fab as an adornment on an Art Deco house Sharon 😀 The store must be doing quite well to have been there so long.
