Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Fire Drill

Every now and then we have a fire drill where I work and everyone in the building has to exit to the sidewalk and wait for the all clear signal.  At one such fire drill, I took note of a row of buildings directly across the street that I hadn't paid much attention to before.  So I decided I'd grab my camera and photograph the whole row.  This one appears to be a church or a church office maybe.

This one looks empty but there is no sign to rent or lease it so maybe it's being used for storage.  Just a guess.

This one on the other hand, does have a rent sign hanging from it.  It appears to be advertised as a live/work space.

This one is obvious.  It's a tax preparation outfit.  Judging from the Spanish signs, I'm guessing they have a bilingual staff.  Tomorrow I'll show you four more of the buildings along this street.


  1. What an interesting mix of buildings and businesses. I'd like to know more about that Cuban religion place. :) We had fire drills in school but I can't remember any business that held them. Not a bad idea, though. Unless it's too hot or too cold outside. :)

  2. THe tax office building is the attention grabber in this row whilst the others are very demure!

  3. That is funny when you have a closer look at the buildings you would never stop for to have a look!

  4. Way to go to explore next door which is seldom done...

  5. They all have a real Spanish look to them, Sharon!

  6. And interesting assortment, for sure! Do you have software on your computer for knitting together a series of pictures into a single panorama? You could make this into one long shot of the whole plaza!

  7. Stylistically, the buildings all seem to have that southwestern feel to them.

  8. The tax building really stands out. I like the look of the white buildings, together they give you a feel for the area. Nice shots, Sharon.

  9. It's quite amazing what we miss right in front of us Sharon 😀 They do have an Arizona feel to them!
