Friday, March 16, 2018

Assortment of Observations

Another assortment of things I've observed along the way.  This chair in the window of a shop stopped me in my tracks.  I love all those patterns together however, I'm not sure I'd want it in my living room.

A wooden folding screen was placed behind a restaurant dining booth making it look like the sun was setting and the moon was rising.

I parked next to this car and when I got out I noticed the rather menacing looking wheels on the car.  I bet he paid a lot of money for those fancy wheels.

I tried to figure out what "Moo-ber" Rides and Photos was all about but with no luck at all.  I did look in the back of the truck to see several wooden cows carefully lined up in a sort of holding frame.  I wonder if "Moo-ber" is some kind of play on "Uber", the international ride sharing company.  That still doesn't explain what it's all about.


  1. A chair for people who can't decide...

  2. The furniture is colourful and intriguing. I agree it would look better in someone else's house rather than mine. :-)

  3. The chair makes me think of Liberace's flamboyant style!
    I did chuckle at the Moo-ber truck!

  4. Interesting items today, I think that King Louis XIV would turn around in his grave to see his chair with these covers...

  5. It would be hard to relax in a room decorated like that store window! I find the truck very intriguing, Sharon!

  6. Yes, that chair would certainly make people stop and wonder about its owner!

  7. That chair made me think of Alice in Wonderland. Lets see, maybe a ride share for cows?

  8. That chair is amazing, but I wouldn't want to look at it every day!

  9. Interesting chair, definitely for someone else to enjoy. What a strange truck, I wonder what the words mean.
    Nice interesting and unique photos, Sharon. You never know what you'll see when you are out and about with a camera. :)

  10. Lots of fun and interesting stuff making appearances in Phoenix. I've noticed that some of the old "rules" about what to where with what are changing and people are mixing stuff up which can be good and an be terrible, depending on how much you've had to drink! :)

  11. I love that chair, but I agree -- living with it would be a little intense.

    "Moober" MUST be a reference to Uber. Maybe he/she uses the cows as photo props somehow.

  12. Gosh that's a super eye-catching window display Sharon! The mystery of the cows made me smile 😊
